La Rivière à la BFM de Limoges
Exposition sonore dans le cadre de Géoculture A la Bibliothèque Francophone Multimédia de Limoges du 28 juin…
non-profit organization dedicated to experimental, electronic, concrete music. kaon was also a music label. Toulouse (Fr.)
Exposition sonore dans le cadre de Géoculture A la Bibliothèque Francophone Multimédia de Limoges du 28 juin…
CD-EP [ju14] Out June 2014. Digifile. Ghosts echoes, specific filter and binaural tools build by Bernard…
Digital album [ma14] Get it on Bandcamp clarté et pénombre chaleur et froid…
Audio mini-CDr [av14] Second issue of the forth season of “La Riviere” CD series, « Terraform…
Audio mini-CDr [fe14] First issue of the forth season of “La Riviere” CD series, «…
Audio mini-CDr [se13] Sixth issue of the third season of “La Riviere” CD series, «…
Digital album [av13] More than 140mn (12*12mn) of sound. kdi dctb 216 was a 12…
Audio mini-CDr [oc12] Fith issue of the third season of “La Riviere” CD series, «…
Audio CD [ao12b] 1st edition by Apraxia, 1992 (Cassette) “Three simple eyes of the insect…
Audio mini-CDr [ao12] Fourth issue of the third season of “La Riviere” CD series, «…